
A bookmark for the business traveler is a virtual briefcase for business travelers. It’s a portal for handpicked travel blogs from the media, industry insiders and other business travelers.

What’s hot: Saving time. Business travelers are too busy to scour the sea of travel blogs to look for information that pertains only to the frequent flier. You can trust Boarding Area because it was founded by the same websites that road warriors already use, such as FlyerTalk. I also like the site’s organization. The lower half of the home page is divided into three sections: blogs written by the media, including Ben Mutzabaugh’s Today in the Sky blog from USA Today; those by industry leaders such as the Transportation Security Administration’s Evolution of Security blog; and business traveler blogs, including Mark Ashley of Upgrade: Travel Better. The featured blogs are eye-catching, and the site has a professional feel to it.

What’s not: The only drawback was the absence of dates connected to posts. If I’m staying on top of travel info, I want to know that it’s fresh. It would be helpful if the featured blogs and the thumbnail excerpts on the home page showed the post’s date. As it stands, you have to click to the post to find out when it was written.


-- Jen Leo
