

The newly enshrined coalition of seniors, teachers and college faculty opposing Proposition 1A on the May 19 special election ballot went public for the first time Thursday, holding a news conference at the foot of the state library building. Proposition 1A would extend the recent state tax hikes while instituting a spending cap and rainy-day fund.

At the news conference, foes called the measure deceptive, convoluted and confusing. They urged voters to “read it yourself.”

“We think it’s a disaster,” said Gary Passmore of the Congress of California Seniors.

He and others refused to say how much campaign cash might be spent by the coalition, which includes the powerful SEIU California State Council. Most Capitol pundits contend a big check from the union might be the coup de grace for the ballot measure being pushed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders. Polls show Proposition 1A and several other budget-related ballot measures trailing badly.


-- Eric Bailey
