

Your article on extras [“Extras, Extras,” by Jodie Burke, April 5] failed to mention another factor that has had a significant impact on work for movie and television people. The Screen Actors Guild and the Assn. of Motion Picture and Television Producers have been trying to reach a contract for nine months now and, without it, many productions are refusing to start. Once that agreement is in place, television and motion picture work in Los Angeles, according to the experts, is likely to get somewhat better.

Meanwhile, with SAG and AMPTP deadlocked in the contract negotiations, coupled with a bad economy, your reporting was right on.

James Knight



I too am a extra trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a movie star. After 15 years in the business of doing TV, film and audience work, I finally got that call. I was handpicked for a movie.


Imagine my surprise! So it’s true: Never give up on your dreams, no matter what.

Thanks, Central Casting.

Debbie Mills

