
Shocked by Villaraigosa

Re “DNA test backlogs widespread,” March 31

Where is Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa? His lack of leadership on an issue -- the rape-kit backlog -- that often affects the disenfranchised of society is shocking.

It is not enough for the mayor of the second-largest city in the U.S. to acknowledge there is a problem; Villaraigosa should lead the solution. Has the mayor forgotten that he’s a Democrat who campaigned on defending the rights of the marginalized? Has he overlooked the fact that Rudolph Giuliani, a Republican, took a stand for the victims of sexual assault in New York City and fixed the problem there when he was mayor?

Our mayor is appallingly absent from the public debate. I want him out front, demanding the City Council adopt and fund the recommendations put forth in the Human Rights Watch report.


Mary W. Garvey

Pacific Palisades
