
What do ethnic labels say?

Re “UC urged to expand ethnic labels,” March 31

We know how the Irish became white. How exactly does one become unwhite? The Times offers a poignant look at the creation and unraveling of identity in a multicultural society.

There was a time when it paid to “pass,” but it is exciting that Middle Eastern Americans are now ready to stand up and be counted. Without a box to check or a category to belong to, Middle Eastern, South Asian and Iranian Americans have been silenced by their invisibility.

Middle Eastern Americans are part and parcel of the country’s fabric. It is time that our society is ready to recognize that -- and even more hopeful that universities may be ready to collect data to let this population be heard, counted and included.


Hebah Farrag

Los Angeles

The writer is a project specialist at the Center for Religion and Civic Culture at USC.


College applications should have no place to check race, let alone a steady stream of expansions to which there can be no logical end. As long are we are differentiated by race in the public sphere, racism will continue to be perpetuated ad nauseam.

Robbie Roy

Palm Springs
