
Tar-and-feather time

Re “Cogdill pays for being right,” Column, March 30

Reading George Skelton’s column about state Sen. Dave Cogdill’s ouster as minority leader, my suspicions have finally been verified. Our Republican state legislators are out and out practicing anarchists -- some essentially admitting that they would like to send California over a cliff.

I think it is time to tar and feather the lot of them and ride them out of the state on a rail.

Next best thing: Vote every one of them out of office.

James R. Gallagher

Huntington Beach


Skelton’s column was interesting but demonstrated the disconnect between Sacramento and the voters.


When you have the highest or next-highest taxpaying state in the Union near bankruptcy, it is obvious that there has been little oversight on public assistance payments for several years.

The answer is not new taxes -- a wage-earner in Los Angeles pays about 10% on every retail purchase. The answer is threefold, to paraphrase the old real estate slogan “location, location and location”: Reduce spending, reduce spending, reduce spending.

Mike Montgomery

South Pasadena

The writer is the former mayor of South Pasadena.
