
They’re trying to get out the ‘vo, vo, vo, vo, vote’

The participant list reads like a list of actors from the red carpet at the Oscars.

Except, of course, for the Muppets.

The online video by Creative Coalition, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public advocacy group, features celebrities such as Anne Hathaway, Tim Daly, Susan Sarandon, Marcia Cross and Samuel L. Jackson to urge Americans to vote. (See the video at

In this case, Hollywood is not calling for votes for either Barack Obama or John McCain. Instead, this who’s who of the entertainment industry simply wants you to vote. For anyone. Just vote.

“Make your voice heard,” Hathaway says in the video.

“I don’t care what all your friends say. Your vote does count,” says actor John Leguizamo.

The message is set to an original song by Dana Parish and Andrew Hollander.

As the song reaches a crescendo, the actors raise their voices. (So do the Muppets, like the old times.) And near the end, Jackson screams: “Vo, vo, vo, vo, vote!”


No surprise there. Doesn’t Jackson scream in every film?


Controversial film for Dreyfuss

Richard Dreyfuss has long been involved in politics. (He even taught civics class at schools in Martha’s Vineyard.)

And he has certainly starred in plenty of films with political messages (he is currently in theaters playing Vice President Dick Cheney in Oliver Stone’s “W.”)

But the actor is about to make his Los Angeles debut in what could be his most controversial movie yet: He’s narrating Leslie Carde’s scorching documentary, “America Betrayed.”


The film, which premieres Sunday at the LA Femme Film Festival (, attempts to document ways the government contributes to and profits from disasters here and abroad.

According to the filmmakers, “America Betrayed” looks at “9/11, to the war in Iraq, to the worst disaster in U.S. history, the levee failures in Hurricane Katrina” by following the money.

“The path leads straight back to the hallowed halls of Congress . . . and the profits straight into the pockets of those with ties to the executive branch,” said Carde, who will hold a question-and-answer session after the 2 p.m. screening at the Wilshire Screening Room in Beverly Hills. No word on whether Dreyfuss will be there.


The actor may have a long track record of playing Republicans on the screen (such as former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig and a loose imitation of political aide Karl Rove), but this film will definitely show his real-life Democratic leanings.


Breathe deeply to support Obama

Bumper stickers? T-shirts?

So cliche.

If you want to show support for Obama today, you have to get the Yogamatic ( Obama yoga mat.

Halle Berry, an avid Obama supporter, was the first celebrity to roll out an Obama yoga mat, which sports the word “hope” in large letters. Kate Bosworth also has one.

For a limited time, you too can own a red, white and blue yoga mat that declares to the world (or at least to your yoga class) that you support the senator from Illinois. Westside yogaites will find themselves generally in safe terrain, but take care when toting the thing to a vinyasa session in, say, Arizona.

It costs $85. Not exactly cheap, but Obama supporters note that 20% of the proceeds go directly to the Obama presidential campaign.

Perhaps the McCain campaign will counter with customized golf bags.


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