
More Light on the Story

Thank you for Dan Neil’s column on the demise of the light bulb as we know it (“Light of My Life,” 800 Words, Feb. 3). He points out that there is more to the light bulb than light. As society is coarsening, so is our visual world--in the harsh glow created by electronic gadgets. We have much to mourn. I was born too late, and I am saddened by the world I am leaving to my son.

Stephany Yablow

North Hollywood


I suspect that a child born in the United States today will miss polar bears and coral reefs more than the wildly inefficient and wasteful incandescent light bulb.

Ryan Devlin



How many people are aware that most “eco-friendly” compact fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury and must be disposed of properly--not in their trash can?


Karma McCain

Studio City
