
Bad apples

Re “No tabs kept on hospital workers,” July 9

This article should have appeared on the front page.

The taxpayers of L.A. County undertook a noble effort to place a major hospital where need was great, to fund it generously and to staff it with local workers.

If bad apples on the King-Drew/King-Harbor staff have been reassigned to other hospitals rather than weeded out, the well-being of the entire county health system is endangered. The toxic behavior of a small number of people has enormous impact on the healthy functioning of any organization.

There is no excuse for this kind of administrative malfeasance. Of course it is hard to fire people, given the constraints of civil service rules and unions, and the threat of lawsuits. But it is a hard job that must be done.


The Board of Supervisors and the Health Services Department administrators are discredited by this. They should resign in disgrace.

Doug Fenwick

Pacific Palisades
