
Breeding at-risk fish is proposed

The delta smelt, a tiny endangered fish causing big headaches for California’s water kingpins, could soon get help.

A Central Valley lawmaker wants the state to build a hatchery to boost the smelt’s flagging population.

Sen. Dean Florez (D-Shafter) has proposed a Delta Smelt Preservation and Restoration Act with the primary goal of building at least one hatchery by 2001 to breed the fish.


Smelt have been a victim of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta’s flagging ecological health and the pull of giant aqueduct pumps that send delta water south.

This year, water exports could be trimmed by 30% because of a federal court ruling intended to protect the endangered fish.

Florez’s act would authorize the state Department of Fish and Game to work with the University of California and state Department of Water Resources.


Construction costs would be picked up by large water users.

-- Eric Bailey
