
Break down the table and strengthen muscles

Here’s a dynamic way to strengthen your abs, shoulders, arms and legs. The most important part of this move is to contract your abs fully before you start to lower your hips. Move slowly and think of using your abs to “scoop out” (make concave) the front of your torso.

-- Karen Voight


1 Sit with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place your hands about 10 to 12 inches behind you, fingers pointed toward your body. Inhale and lift your hips, forming a tabletop position with your torso.

2 Keeping your hips off the floor and your arms straight, exhale and press onto your hands as you lower your hips, swinging them back between your arms until your legs can straighten. Hold this position for three breaths. Inhale and return to the tabletop position. Repeat three times.



Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
