
Paying to keep away from fluoride

THIS green diner thinks that it’s not stupid to pay money for water; that’s the only way I can ensure that my water is not fluoridated [“Tapping a Loyalty for L.A.’s Own,” April 29].

Fluoride has only topical benefits, and has not been proved to have any benefit to adults’ teeth. It’s crazy to add fluoride to the municipal drinking water and forcibly medicate the entire populace.

And fluoride is not harmless; it deposits in the bones and teeth, causing brittleness and malformations. Unfortunately the dental profession bought into the fluoride-is-beneficial myth 60 years ago, and politicians rely on their misinformed “expertise” to continue to poison the public.


For a fascinating and disturbing history of how this myth was perpetrated on the American public, see “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson, an award-winning mainstream investigative reporter.


Los Angeles
