
Civics lesson over license plate fight

Re “A fight to put the brakes on a license plate law,” April 29

The squabble over Indiana’s “In God We Trust” license plate is simply another backdoor attempt at eliminating Christianity from the public square. If a state wants to offer more than one “standard” plate, it has the right to do so. And if the “In God We Trust” plate were to come with an additional fee, it would be constitutional for that money to go to religious organizations.

Most Americans are indeed ignorant concerning civics, politics and the important issues of our day. One such issue is church-state separation. I suggest that Americans read the Constitution. It’s not as boring as you might think, and you just might be surprised at what you find there (or don’t find, as is the case with abortion).




In South Carolina, we also have a “standard” -- at no extra cost -- “In God We Trust” plate. Thanks to the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry, of which I’m a member, there is now a specialty plate that reads “In Reason We Trust,” featuring a prominent American flag. It costs $30 extra, but none of the money goes to our organization.


As other nonprofit groups receive money from plates, this doesn’t parse, but then, this is South Carolina. I doubt we’ll see the American Civil Liberties Union suing the state over this. The ACLU’s income is quite limited, and they’ve got more important issues to fight.


Port Royal, S.C.
