
The man behind the masked heroes

THANKS for a great article on Frank Miller [“Revenge of the Dark Knight,” April 29]. Finally something that competes with the Sunday New York Times. Great layout, not a bunch of ads in my way, lots of truth and I got to know who it was about.

Incredible that [Robert] Rodriguez was dropped from the [Directors] Guild! All this stuff is great reading. I will pick up the Times more often due to this article.




DESPITE Miller’s delusions, the “barbaric practices” of Islamic nations (which did not exist until the 7th century) were not given up in the 6th century by anyone else. Many of them persisted well into the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and some are still practiced in the United States. Stoning, or otherwise executing, social and religious violators, was common until the late 1700s. Despite accumulating evidence of mistakes, sloppiness and outright malevolence by police and prosecutors, we still have the death penalty.


Suicide bombing is a recent phenomenon, so is completely irrelevant to a discussion of long-standing behavior.

Miller’s delusions, and willingness to expound them, however, will not make me part with my “Dark Knight” comics.


