
Corporate imperialism

Re “Town built on lead weighs the fallout,” June 18

The people of La Oroya, Peru -- forced to breathe toxic substances from the Doe Run Resources Corp. smelter complex -- are the latest victims in a long, shameful history of exploitation often found when indigenous people live in lands flush with resources that make powerful corporations richer. Ever since Columbus extracted valuable materials from the New World, the underdeveloped nations of Asia, Africa and South America have been cursed by the bounty of natural resources. Until our global economy is fueled by more than unfettered markets and an insatiable appetite for profit at the expense of human dignity, history will repeat itself. Justice for these workers demands that they don’t have to die slowly to earn a living. Doe Run Resources has a moral responsibility to take action now to address this health and environmental crisis.


Executive director

Maryknoll Office for

Global Concerns

