
Osama bin Laden, come on down!

I wasn’t a regular watcher of “The Price Is Right,” but I’ve always been an admirer of Bob Barker and probably for all the same reasons felt by so many others who bemoan his departure from the airwaves [“This Career? Priceless,” by Martin Miller, June 10]. But now that the show is behind him I would like to float a serious suggestion for Mr. Barker to use his prodigious deal-making skills for the benefit of world peace.

Since the current administration took power, how many deals, calling out to be made, have soured, backfired or just withered on the vine: North Korea, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Gaza and the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria. The list goes on. Maybe the Carter Center or the United Nations can put Mr. Barker’s legendary skills to work, nudging, as he does so well, squabbling nations toward deals they can live with.


New York City


I was watching the final taping of “The Price is Right” with Bob Barker as host for the last time, completing his 35 years [with] that show. There was not a tear dropped on Mr. Barker, only confetti. But it saddens me that time ran out on him after more than 50 years on TV doing “Truth or Consequences” and “The Price is Right.”



Warren, Ark.
