
Dad pays a record in back child support

Times Staff Writer

For one deadbeat dad, a flight back from China turned out to be more costly than he could have imagined.

The father, whose name was not released, earlier this week paid $311,491 in back child and spousal support -- the largest amount ever collected in the United States -- after federal authorities refused to renew his passport while he was stuck in Hong Kong, Los Angeles County officials said Thursday.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 23, 2007 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday June 23, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 61 words Type of Material: Correction
Deadbeat dad: An article in Friday’s California section about a $311,491 child and spousal support payment quoted Los Angeles County child support services officials as saying that it was the largest ever in the United States. However, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families said Friday that there have been larger payments.

The man left for China shortly before a family court judge ruled in 2005 that he should pay nearly $6,000 a month to his ex-wife and daughter, now 12.


Earlier this year, he began to make plans to return but discovered that federal authorities have a policy to deny passports to applicants owing more than $2,500 in support payments. The father had his attorney contact L.A. County’s child support services to work out a settlement, which includes interest.

For Los Angeles County, the settlement marks the latest record payout by a parent in need of a new passport.

In 2003, a Rolling Hills man who wanted to travel to Asia on business paid $298,000 in back support. A year later, another father paid $300,000.


“This is a wake-up call for these individuals who should have been meeting their obligations,” said Al Reyes, a spokesman for the county’s Child Support Services Department.

David Sommers, a spokesman for Supervisor Don Knabe, hailed the payment as proof that enforcement of child support orders can pay off. Earlier this week, county supervisors earmarked $500,000 for an initiative to track down parents.

For every dollar the county invests in enforcement, “we get about $2 back in child support payments,” Sommers said. “Rigorous enforcement means that the money is going back where it belongs -- into the pockets of these families.”


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