
Questions about the Delgadillos

Re “Wife of Delgadillo has arrest warrant,” June 20

I believe the real story has been overlooked. We know Michelle Delgadillo drives uninsured, without a valid license and somewhat carelessly. But if, in 2004, she left the scene of an accident without stopping to determine if there was damage to the other vehicle and, if damage occurred, exchange the required information, she was in direct violation of California Vehicle Code Section 20002, which is punishable by six months’ imprisonment in the county jail and/or a fine not exceeding $1,000. The statute requires exchange of driver’s license and registration information as well as the residence address of the driver and of the registered owner. Interestingly, the statute says nothing about exchanging insurance information.

These incidents raise the questions:

Why has the city attorney’s wife, who has repeatedly thumbed her nose at her obligations under the Vehicle Code, been allowed to continue getting behind the wheel without having to face the legal consequences the rest of us surely would have?

How can the city’s chief lawyer and prosecutor hope to gain the respect of the citizenry given this glaring double standard?



Los Angeles
