
The developing future of California

Re “California steamin’,” Opinion, June 10

If I were a member of any service-provider industry that must consider global warming as a guiding factor, I would be on it like white on rice. Giant service providers may resist; this is understandable because divesting inventories (what do you do with a used coal-burning power plant?), retooling and retraining do not generate income and may even mean the demise of some companies.

However, this is a wonderful opportunity to create sustainable communities. Proven technologies and planning models already exist. Transit-oriented development, when applied to regional planning, produces better places to live, work and play, higher and more stable property values, less traffic congestion and fewer accidents. For the pioneer business talent, the field is wide open. It’s time to turn government demand into government support, and all that takes is a change in point of view.


Long Beach


Cary Lowe sums up a portion of why, on Aug. 19, I am exiting this state after 45 years as a resident. There is much I value about living in Southern California, but irresponsible development, failing and insufficient infrastructure, environmental strains (current and future) and public officials who delegate tough choices to future officials have led me to believe that my children’s future will be brighter elsewhere.


Thanks for the ride, California, but your steamy, thirsty future will not be my own.




Efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions will have a major effect on land-use policy and development in California. Scientific assessments show that we require 50% to 80% or more in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions -- the kind of measures that California’s Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) calls for by 2050. Achieving these reductions will require breaking the connections between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions while changing patterns of land use. We will know that land use is doing its part when we see transit-oriented development, neighborhoods arranged to maximize solar energy production and reduce heating and cooling loads, with buildings designed for their unique location to deliver comfort efficiently. We will know we are on the right track when energy-saving features become commonplace and we recognize that our land use, energy and climate futures are inextricably connected.



The writer is president of CTG Energetics, a sustainability/energy efficiency consulting firm.
