
Finally, Nepal back as good travel news

SUSAN SPANO so captured the feelings of Nepal that I wanted to jump on a plane this morning [“Nepal at Peace,” Jan. 21]. But I’ll have to wait until October for my annual visit.

I agree with her that for those yearning to experience the Himalayas and its people, the time to plan is now.

Thanks to the Travel section for this gift and for Spano’s skill and insight.


Van Nuys


THANK you for Spano’s lovely piece “A Katmandu Page-Turner on How Visitors Can Help” [Her World, Jan. 21], especially the way she voiced the need for literacy among the ordinary rural people of Nepal. I was enthralled with the coverage.


I am a 25-year-old male from Syangja. I was glad to know that she traveled in my region and wrapped up her visit successfully.

Over the years, I have been noticing the success of Laxmi Memorial Library. Still some more has to be done. For instance, the current membership of 28,000 has to be raised. Considering the growth, some of its branches need to be extended in other parts of the districts too. For all this, we hope for the best.


Katmandu, Nepal
