
‘Ainadamar’ postponed in Long Beach

Citing budget problems, Long Beach Opera has postponed its production of Osvaldo Golijov’s “Ainadamar,” originally scheduled for June 2 and 3 in the Center Theater at the Long Beach Performing Arts Center. In its place, it will reprise company General Director Andreas Mitisek’s 2005 production of Schubert’s “Winterreise” (Winter Journey) combined with excerpts from Goethe’s 1774 novella, “The Sorrows of Young Werther.”

“Long Beach Opera is always struggling,” Mitisek said Friday from Seattle, where he was conducting “Don Giovanni” for Seattle Opera. “We have this Bohemian lifestyle reputation where almost everyone expects from us that we do everything with nothing. I did not want to go ahead with this event and start cutting down on things and compromise artistically.”

Mitisek said that the company’s production of Grigori Frid’s “The Diary of Anne Frank” will go on as scheduled on April 13 and 15 at the Lincoln Park Parking Garage in Long Beach and on April 17 and 19 at the parking structure at Sinai Temple in West Los Angeles.


“Ainadamar” ticket holders can get refunds or use their tickets for “Winterreise.”
