
Immigration battle lines

Re “Border states’ burden,” editorial, Feb. 7

You write, “California gladly accepts its role as the 21st century Ellis Island.” That has to be a joke, right? Equating the legal Ellis Island immigration with the chaotic illegal immigration mess California is experiencing boggles the mind.

If there is any role California is playing in the 21st century regarding immigration, it is that of facilitator of an illegal invasion.


Paso Robles


Once again, President Bush is seeking to place the entire burden of jailing criminal illegal immigrants on individual states. His reason? Reimbursing the states for incarcerating illegal immigrants does not reduce the number of crimes they commit.


Here is a simple, low-cost solution for California: Rather than jailing these criminal illegal immigrants, the state should fly them to Washington. On arrival, they automatically become Bush’s problem.


La Jolla
