
Airport wars

Re “Airing concerns about jets,” April 22

Thank you for the article about the demonstration my neighbors and I attended at Santa Monica Airport aimed at bringing attention to the need to terminate the airport’s jet traffic. If people unfamiliar with the issue could see aerial pictures of the airport that show the runway ends right up against heavily populated streets, homes and a gas station, or videos of jet exhaust blown into people’s backyards, I think no one in their right mind would argue that jets are appropriate for Santa Monica Airport.

I hope that while we fight to make a jet-free Santa Monica Airport a reality, the airport’s jet users will take it on themselves to move their operations to Los Angeles International Airport, Van Nuys Airport or another airport where they are not putting so many people in harm’s way.


Santa Monica


So residents of Santa Monica want to solve their airport’s noise and pollution problem by relocating jet operations to Van Nuys or LAX. What about the San Fernando Valley residents who have fought the pollution and window-rattling noise of the Van Nuys airport for years?


I lived near that airport for years but finally had to move. Still, we hear the loud jets and helicopters. Don’t throw the ball in the court of people who already have been taken advantage of. Santa Monica’s solution is selfish.


Granada Hills
