
McCain and the high road on torture

Re “McCain Stand Comes at a Price,” Sept. 19

Here’s another irony of the Bush presidency: For all that President Bush says he is in terms of values and integrity -- but isn’t -- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is. Yes, principled stands come at a price, but you don’t see McCain having to issue press releases about his motives just in case we don’t get it.

My belief is that there are more of us in the middle than there are on the right, and we’re all breathing a sigh of relief that there are some political leaders left who are willing to take a stand for justice and integrity based on well-grounded personal values and life experience that teaches them the risks of abandoning those values.

My thanks and encouragement go to McCain.




Is the conservative evangelical community angry with McCain because he supports Article 3 of the Geneva Convention banning “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment”?


Torture is now a Christian value?

I must be reading a different Bible.


Woodland Hills
