
Important revelations in ‘Iraq for Sale’

Thank you for mentioning “Iraq for Sale” [Screening Room, by Robert Abele, Oct. 12]. I saw the movie last week. It is potent and worth seeing.

However, maybe I’m being picky, but the word “screed” has a negative connotation, which this film does not deserve. It is far from one-sided. Many of the people in the film were in favor of the war -- they just were unhappy that the American people and soldiers are being ripped off and unprotected.

This is as important a piece of filmmaking as Americans can watch in this period.


Santa Monica


Antioch University Los Angeles hosted a screening of the new Robert Greenwald film “Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers” on our Culver City campus. In addition to the film, we hosted a panel discussion. The film raised many concerns among our students, not the least of which was, that despite attempts by Brave New Films to contact the corporate suppliers of war materials and supplies, they had no comment and refused to be interviewed or to appear on camera. Perhaps we are not to be trusted with their explanation of how they are spending our money.


Screenings are taking place all over America and all over Los Angeles. They are being hosted in private homes, church basements, schools, universities and clubs, because this information is important. Even if you believe only half of what is revealed, this is nasty stuff. And lives are at stake.

Please check out the website, to get the real information on the dissemination of this



Culver City

Haig is a development

associate in the Office of the

President, Antioch University.
