
Decent Concert Seats Hard to Get at Any Price

Regarding “Concert Giant Sees Cutting Prices as Ticket to Success,” Sept. 26:

“Live Nation blames high entry fees for turning off fans,” your subheadline states. No, I would posit that it’s the complete public unavailability of any decent seats that has turned off concertgoers the last 10 to 15 years.

On a recent Saturday, when Dixie Chicks tickets went on sale for their rescheduled Staples Center date, I gained access through Ticketmaster’s website in the first 60 seconds (by 10:01 a.m.) and was offered two choice seats -- at the back of the hall. Same old story for as long as I can remember.

Live Nation and Ticketmaster need to stop treating the general public like chimps, like idiots, and get everyone’s hand out of the ticket till so that the public has a fighting chance at decent seats.


Until that happens, I’ll continue to attend my one favorite concert a year, paying some broker a zillion times face value.

Pete Howard

Mar Vista
