
Playtime or annoyance?

Re “ ‘Lockdown’ rules keep immigrants’ kids from playing,” Nov. 19

The problem of kids playing outside is not just a “Latino” problem, as the article would suggest. As a single adult who is a renter, I pay a higher amount of rent just to live in a unit where there are no kids. Often families renting in apartment complexes let their kids roam wild all day and night with no respect for their neighbors who don’t have children. It makes for a horrible living environment for people like me who just want peace and quiet in the evenings and on the weekends. Making parents watch their own children is not unfair. What’s unfair is making their neighbor’s lives miserable when they don’t.


Los Angeles


When I was a child in my hometown of Inglewood, my mother would tell me to stop watching television and go outside to “tomar aire” (drink air). I’m glad she forced me out from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; I learned to play baseball, made lifelong friends, and it gave me wonderful memories of playing on the streets. The tragedy of this evil society is that old white men have more playing spaces in their golf courses than Mexican children, who have to face harassment about being normal.


