
Dodgers Fans Find It Tough to Swallow Too

Bill Plaschke nailed it in his May 14 column (“Waiting Is the Hardest Part at Stadium”).

After spending $95 each for my family to get a decent seat behind home plate, $10 for parking, and waiting in a concession line for 25 minutes after arriving for the Dodgers-Cubs game, I was informed that the concession had run out of Dodger Dogs in the bottom of the first inning!

Thousands of fans expected, and after half an inning, the concession runs out of the No. 1 food item. With the stadium half full these days, the least Dodgers management could do is serve the loyal fans who have to battle their way into the park. Is it too much to ask to have enough food for those who want to attend?

I usually attend 10 Dodgers games a year. I will now take most of my business to Angel Stadium. At least I can get my meal and be back in my seat in 10 minutes.



Los Angeles


Bravo to Bill Plaschke. My friends and I now eat a big meal before we go to Dodgers games so we don’t have to surrender watched innings (and a lot of money) at a time just to get a hot dog or popcorn.

I consider myself a tried-and-true Dodgers fan and love the Stadium, but one nice thing about heading to Anaheim for games is that the concession lines move much faster and the prices are still considerably lower than at the Ravine.


North Hollywood


Well done, Plaschke! The Dodgers’ concession lines are atrocious, and the workers just don’t seem to care how long you wait. They just take their sweet time. There would be a fan revolt at Fenway, Wrigley or Yankee Stadium if the lines took half as long as those at Dodger Stadium.


This can be corrected: Hire better workers!


Los Angeles


I couldn’t agree more with Plaschke’s article about the concession stands at Dodger Stadium. On opening day, my friend left in the bottom half of the second inning to get us a couple of beers and some peanuts. He got back to the seats in the bottom of the sixth with stories of how the first line closed as he neared the front, and then the second line ran out of beer.


I don’t think I’m ever going back to the stadium after I use my remaining tickets.


Los Angeles


I am a Dodgers season-ticket holder who attends about 30 games a year. I have not noted the long lines that Bill Plaschke discussed in his column. But then again, I learned a long time ago that you should never try to navigate those lines between the second and fifth innings.

When I get my food 10 minutes before first pitch, I usually can get it done in two minutes. And it’s the same when I get my second soda and ice cream sandwich around the sixth inning. It’s all a matter of timing.



