
Architectural treasures -- here

I was delighted to see Robert Winter and his beautiful home [“Set in Stone and Tile,” April 27]. It reminded me of when I was a student in a course at UCLA titled “The History of American Civilization,” and he was one of the instructors.

Until Winter talked about architecture, I, a native of Los Angeles, had never paid much attention to its buildings (except for those shaped like hats or hot dogs).

But then Winter’s enthusiasm and love of architecture infected me and forever changed the way I looked at buildings. I even remember how thrilled I was to find each of the buildings listed on the mimeographed sheet he passed out.


My husband and I now live in a Spanish Revival house in a historic preservation overlay zone. We attend HPOZ meetings with some regularity and work to maintain the integrity of our neighborhood. But most importantly, because of Winter, I -- and through me, my husband -- learned what an architectural treasure Los Angeles is.


Los Angeles

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