
Many grads return home

Many college seniors will be moving back home once the diplomas are handed out.

According to a 2006 MonsterTrak survey, 48% of all students will find themselves living back at home after graduation. Additionally, 44% of last year’s grads are still living with their parents.

The reasons include high tuition costs and associated debts and the high cost of housing.

Elina Furman, author of “Boomerang Nation: How to Survive Living With Your Parents the Second Time Around,” offers these tips to graduates who will be moving in with their folks:

* Set a move-out date before moving in.

* Have financial goals and discuss them with your parents. Saving for a down payment on a house, starting a business, finding a job or eliminating debt are all good reasons to move back home.


* Pay rent -- even a minimal amount -- to contribute to the household operating expenses.
