
Iraq’s future remains uncertain

Re “Envoy to Iraq Sees Threat of Wider War,” March 7

We Americans need to review the history of democracy-building before we rush out of Iraq. We have been there almost three years, and Americans want a quick solution. We occupied Japan from 1945 to 1952 and Germany until 1955 after World War II. Eastern Europe has struggled since 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, to establish the democracies they want.

Our Declaration of Independence was written in 1776; the war with England went on for seven years; the Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781; the Constitution was not ratified until 1789; George Washington took his oath of office 13 years after the Declaration of Independence. There was division in America during those 13 years, including fights over the type of government and the rights of states and individuals. Why should we expect Iraq to finish the job in three? Democracy is hard and requires time to grow.




It appears that all the think tanks, brain trusts and presidential advisors weren’t able to see that Iraq was a domino chain held together by Saddam Hussein and that toppling him would open, as U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said, a “Pandora’s box.” They’re either not as bright as they think they are or they are advising an administration that only listens to those who agree with its tunnel-vision view of the world.


In my view, we are in the early stages of World War III, and given the insight, advice and efficacy of some of our “brighter minds,” it’s not going to be pretty. Sadly, the fallout from our president’s crusade to save the world may indeed be fallout.


Agoura Hills


The insurgency and civil war began the moment U.S. forces crossed into Iraq in March 2003. Iraq is not on the “brink” of civil war; it has been and continues to be in civil war; it’s just a matter of degree. If we leave now, Iraqis will have to figure “it” out by themselves -- without another American life lost and without another dime of our treasure. God knows we can use the money here. But it appears that that god is not talking to President Bush.


North Hollywood
