
Holding tight to the right to bear arms

Re “Shooting holes in a lawsuit,” Opinion, May 31

UC Irvine professor Jon Wiener criticizes professor John R. Lott Jr. for taking the authors of “Freakonomics” to court over their claims that Lott may have faked his research. Lott claimed that his studies showed that private gun ownership resulted in significantly lower violent crime rates.

College professors and their “reputations” are an interesting subculture in higher education. Like “expert witnesses,” one can always find an esteemed educator to pontificate on any issue to support any point of view. As a member of the great unwashed, I find these arguments fascinating and sometimes confusing. But I can read the Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment is simple to understand -- until you ask a college professor what it really means.

College professors and liberal media will not take away my right to keep and bear arms, and neither will some professor in an ivory tower paid for by my tax dollars.


San Jose
