
Other paths to peace in Iraq and Middle East

Re “The civil war solution,” Opinion, June 2

Edward Luttwak may take solace in bloody civil war as the means to resolve civil conflict, but there are recent illustrations where parties followed Moses’ admonition to “Let my people go” and, as opposed to Pharaoh, leaders conceded to the benefit of all.

Based on Luttwak’s model, the Soviet Union as well as its East European empire would have been better off had civil war broken out. Likewise Czechoslovakia and, most recently, Montenegro.

These cases indicate that peaceful dissolution is possible. They are examples that Iraq -- an artificial state without a national foundation -- should emulate.



Los Angeles


Luttwak’s idea is that an Iraqi civil war must take place to purge the sectarian poison, no matter the cost, because it is the one sure way to lasting peace as other cases from history show.

I state it thus baldly to bring out its audacity -- and its tragic wisdom. But in that case, why keep out invaders?

Shouldn’t the Middle East be allowed to settle its own hash, then? No?


Trumansburg, N.Y.
