
2 Killed, 2 Hurt in Shootings in L.A.’s Mar Vista

From Times Staff Reports

Two men were killed and a third critically injured in a drive-by shooting in Mar Vista on Sunday morning.

The victims were sitting in a Toyota Corolla near the intersection of Washington Boulevard and McLaughlin Avenue about 11:20 a.m., when a burgundy-colored Toyota Camry drove up with three men inside, police said.

The men in the Camry fired eight to 10 shots at the victims, said Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Sgt. Mike Lopez.


One victim died at the scene and another shortly thereafter. The third victim was hospitalized in critical but stable condition, Lopez said.

The victims’ names were not released, but police said they ranged in age from 18 to 25 years old.

Police were investigating whether the shooting was gang-related, Lopez said, and were asking anyone who might have information to call detectives at 877-LAWFULL.


It was the second shooting in Mar Vista in 12 hours.

About 12:30 a.m., a man was shot at least five times in what police say was a car-to-car shooting near Sawtelle and National boulevards.

Friends of the victim took the injured man, who was struck three times in the back and once each in the leg and arm, to a local hospital.

The victim, whose injuries were not life-threatening, attempted to give false information to hospital personnel and was not cooperating with police, according to LAPD spokesman Kevin Maiberger.


Police had no suspects in that shooting.
