
The wrong prescription

Re “The drugs they need,” editorial, Jan. 11

To say that the new Medicare prescription drug program has caused confusion, frustration and desperation is an understatement. I have never experienced so many problems that affect the health of the most vulnerable. If something is not done soon to provide access to medications they need, the consequences could be dire.

It’s truly sad that healthcare policies and changes are made by the privileged who have no idea how millions on Medicare and Medicaid are suffering the consequences of the new, misguided and failed drug program.


Pharmacist, Los Angeles


For more than three years I have been paying about $8 a month for the drug Synthroid. Today at the pharmacy I was charged $25.99 for a month’s supply. It was explained to me that Synthroid is a “tier two” drug for which the “Part D co-payment” is in excess of $26. I assume this is my own small way of contributing to the bottom line of the pharmaceutical companies.


I begin to understand why President Bush has been successful obtaining political contributions from large corporations. However, I am shocked when I ponder the consequences on the lower-paid of the devastating conspiracy of GOP fundraising and corporate payoffs. One wonders how the country will endure three more years of this blundering and corrupt leadership.


Corona del Mar
