
Speedskaters Share Ugly American Award

My heart goes out to poor Shani Davis. It must have been very difficult to stand on the podium to receive his gold medal and be forced to watch the U.S. flag raised, and have to listen to our national anthem. I’m sure he would have preferred to see them raise a flag with his picture on it while he chanted, “Hurray for me!”

Maybe next Olympics he can enter as his own country, and pay his own expenses. That way the U.S. team won’t have anything to be upset about.


San Pedro


In J.A. Adande’s Wednesday column about feuding skaters Chad Hedrick and Shani Davis, he neglected to mention the most embarrassing moment of these Olympics: Davis’ “interview” with NBC after he won the gold medal.


I had been rooting for the inner-city kid to win gold and become the first African American to do so. Then I watched with disgust as Davis disrespected me, the Games, and all of America with his selfish, aloof, “whatever” non-interview. He displayed not one shred of humility, gratitude or grace. He could not even muster a smile for those of us who were pulling for him. I was ashamed for him and for me.

Adande wrote that Michael Jordan is Davis’ idol. Too bad Davis never learned from M.J. how to win with class.


Redondo Beach


Thanks, Chad Hedrick, for showing us all that everything is bigger in Texas. You have got to be the biggest jerk of the year.



Harbor City


I admire Shani Davis’ success, but he did everything he could to fracture the U.S. skating team except give the black power salute.


La Jolla
