
Mistaken conclusions over Katrina inquiry

Re “Partisan Snub of Republican Katrina Inquiry Now Looks Petty,” column, Feb. 19

It is amazing that Ronald Brownstein could reach the conclusion that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) was petty in her semi-boycott of the Katrina inquiry. He thinks that chiding the president is sufficient oversight. Brownstein misses a big piece of the context that justifies Pelosi’s actions -- that the administration may have lied again about what it knew and when it knew it!

Given the track record of the Republicans brushing everything under the rug by relegating Democrats to basements and turning off microphones (talk about being petty), it was time Pelosi and Democrats took a stand, and perhaps it had the best effect for the nation. Brownstein may be delusional about being fair and balanced, but Pelosi reacted with justifiable anger.


Los Angeles


The statement that “America is still not ready” to cope with catastrophe is mistaken. It is the government that is still not ready.


The people of the United States are more than willing to stand up and help each other, as we have witnessed. It is the political machine that will not be ready. With all the petty fighting, infighting, purposeful miscommunication and finger pointing, it will always be in the way. It will, however, always be ready to stand up and take credit for what we as Americans do to help each other in times of catastrophe.


