
Curator has no clothing

I found Suzanne Muchnic’s article on Ralph Rugoff fascinating -- and illuminating [“As Seen in the Eye of the Beholder,” Feb. 12].

Let’s see if I’ve got it straight about this exhibit by the “brainy, shy” Mr. Rugoff. He wants the viewer to become more engaged by using “what you bring” to the exhibit, which consists of such “Invisible Art” as: a sculpture of a column of air, the ghost of Andy Warhol on a pedestal, paintings rendered in water that has evaporated, a movie shot with no film in the camera. And now these “provocative ideas” have prompted an arts foundation to award Mr. Rugoff $100,000. Hmm ...

OK. I’m a writer, and I’ve got this screenplay. However, I dropped it into the bathtub, and now all 120 pages appear to be blank. But trust me -- if a reader becomes engaged thanks to what they “bring to it,” it’s absolutely brilliant!


Where do I apply for my $100,000?


