
Howl of disgust over animal shelter

Re “Officials Say L.A. Could Lose if Site Bought for Shelter Is Sold,” Feb. 14

L.A. City Councilman Bernard C. Parks’ district is home to the South Los Angeles animal shelter, among the busiest in California because so many unwanted animals are dumped there by residents or turned loose and picked up as strays.

Elected officials should set an example to those they represent. Parks’ successful effort to delay construction by at least a year of a second, much-needed South Los Angeles shelter -- also in his district -- sets an example all right. It shows residents that the person they elected to represent them cares as little about animals and their welfare as those among them who so easily dispose of their “pets” at the shelter and on local streets.

That District 8 even needs a second animal shelter should be a source of shame and embarrassment to Parks and district residents.



Los Angeles
