
A workout DVD with extras on diet and lifestyle

Right about now those New Year’s resolutions to get fit and healthy may be in need of a motivational boost. A DVD that includes nutritional as well as fitness advice might be the ticket. “Body for Life for Women Workout” (Gaiam, 2005) contains exercise segments, diet information and tips on coping with hormonal changes.


-- Jeannine Stein


Body for Life for Women Workout: Host Dr. Pamela Peeke, a Maryland-based internist specializing in nutrition and metabolism, is also the author of “Body for Life for Women: A Woman’s Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation.” The title of this companion DVD is somewhat misleading, however, because it covers more than workouts. Besides advice on what to do during the various hormonal stages (in short, eat a healthy diet, exercise and try to reduce stress), the DVD offers a 12-week lifestyle program and a bonus segment on healthy eating. None of the information is groundbreaking, but Peeke’s casual, breezy style holds viewers’ attention and makes the information palatable. The workouts are divided into three 10-minute cardio segments targeting various body parts. They’re fairly straightforward -- nothing you won’t find in an average aerobics class -- but the music doesn’t always sync up with the movements. Overall, Peeke sees the video as “like a coach” for better living. “You can go to those areas [on the DVD] that work for you. You might say, ‘The exercise is so straightforward, I get it,’ but the eating is a nightmare.” As for the 12-week program, Peeke says if something derails it midway, “come back to it.... You’ve got to learn to get around what’s making you crazy and have the ability to regroup.”

Price: $19.95, available at
