
Take several sources for cash

LIKE Dianne Kelly [“Beware of ATMs That Eat Cards,” Letters, Aug. 20], my Citibank ATM card was “eaten” in Paris at a BNP Paribas cash machine.

Panic! I went to the bank the next morning, showed my passport and thankfully got my card back with no problem.

My Citibank card worked, with no fee, only at Citibank’s three outlets in central Paris, the most convenient being on the Champs-Elysees, near the Arc de Triomphe.


From then on, I used my BofA card; it works at all BNP Paribas ATM machines, which are plentiful. But I only got cash once a week, because there was a fee each time.

I always take several debit and credit cards when I travel, plus travel checks for dire emergencies.

Of course, most travelers know never to use a credit card at an ATM machine, because a cash advance is a loan with interest.



Los Angeles
