
Clinton’s prospects in 2008 presidential race

Re “The job she should want,” Opinion, Aug. 22

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has strongly endorsed President Bush’s Iraq policy. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has advocated increasing U.S. troops in Iraq. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has said that setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops would be a mistake.

A majority of respondents in recent polls have consistently said that the invasion of Iraq was wrong, that they oppose continuing the war and that they support a timetable for the removal of U.S. troops from Iraq. So why are Clinton, Giuliani and McCain the front-runners in the 2008 presidential race? We can certainly do better.




I have a better suggestion for Sen. Clinton and her husband: retire from public life and let the people who care about this country be in charge. The Clintons’ main priority is what is best for them.


When I see the vicious attacks against Bush -- being called a liar, misleading the country -- it is a national disgrace. Voters should think long and hard before they vote in the fall election and in 2008.


Prairie du Chien, Wis.


I suspect that all the baseless commentaries on how Sen. Clinton can’t win are a Republican plot because they are running scared.

Or perhaps these opinions are produced by closet misogynists who cannot bear that a woman is at last in sight of the most powerful position on Earth.


The fact is Clinton leads everyone -- Democrats and Republicans -- with the exception of McCain, whom she ties.

Give it up. Clinton’s going to run, and it will be the most exciting election of our lifetimes.


Laguna Beach
