
‘Noodle’ just doesn’t cut it

I was delighted to see the feature on the great actress Gong Li [“China’s Finest Exports,” Aug. 6]. Here was an actress who took her time to enter the U.S. market because she didn’t want to be viewed as just a “China doll.” To my dismay, Rachel Abramowitz chose to objectify the actress in exactly such a way in the very first sentence of her article.

I should have deduced from the article’s title that Gong was to be treated as a commodity. I just didn’t think that an actress of such immense talent and high stature would be likened to anything as banal as a noodle. Abramowitz was perceptive enough to put her finger on the similarities between Gong’s and Meryl Streep’s strengths as actresses. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone comparing Streep to a French fry.


Moreno Valley
