
The people have spoken

Re “Lieberman Is Defeated in Primary,” Aug. 9

The writing is now on the wall. Democrats are disgusted with the party’s failure to take the offensive against the Republican right wing and bring an end to this illegal and immoral war. The Bush administration is a cynical and corrupt expression of the unbridled power of money in the American electoral system and has led us into an indefensible position in world politics, to say nothing of earning the hatred of millions the world over for what they see as our naked aggression, greed and hatred for the Islamic religion.

There is a train leaving the station with the defeat of Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman. Democratic politicians need to get onboard and work to repair the damage that has been done to our moral standing in the world. The Middle East is burning, and it must be doused before we are all engulfed.


San Pedro


Now voters have agreed with Connecticut Democratic Senate candidate Ned Lamont and Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.). This country is facing the enormity of the Iraq fiasco. It’s like Russia for Napoleon -- a disaster based on fantasies, with no graceful exit. The fantasy of cheap oil is dead, as is the fig leaf of planting democracy. Americans now realize that this administration’s clueless meddling has made an ancient mess even worse. Expect big changes in the political landscape here in November.



Thousand Oaks


I would like to thank the voters in Connecticut for showing the Democratic Party the light.




Re “Georgia Rep. McKinney Loses Democratic Runoff,” Aug. 9

I am pleased that the voters in Georgia sent a message to Rep. Cynthia McKinney that holding public office does not entitle you to misbehave with impunity. Hopefully our other elected officials have sufficient brainpower to get the message.


Los Angeles
