
Precious pits, or ruined by owners?

Re “Pit Bulls Out of the Doghouse,” Column One, Aug. 3

The problem with pit bulls -- at least purebreds -- is that they don’t recognize anyone or anything else as being “alpha.” That means you, your kids, other dogs, grizzly bears or charging rhinos. They seem to believe, much as humans do, that they stand at the zenith of evolution. They’re wonderful, sweet dogs until the day they aren’t. When that day comes, you’d better have a gun on your hip.


Jemez Springs, N.M.


I have had four pit bulls over the years -- all wonderfully amusing and loving pets. Pit bulls are also powerful and animated creatures. As your article points out and I agree, the owners of pit bulls must understand and be responsible for their pets. As with cars, swimming pools, kitchen knives and household cleaners, many things in life require responsible ownership. Pit bulls and other dogs are only as good or bad as their owners make them.


West Covina


Your article didn’t go far enough. Dog owners need to understand that any dog can turn vicious at any time. The mistake people make is in ascribing human emotions and behavior patterns to animals. Dogs act on instinct and should be kept under the control of individuals who are aware of that fact.



