
Gibson arrest, remarks in report push buttons

Re “Did Gibson Get a Break After Arrest?” July 30

It’s high time that moviegoers and the American film industry treat Mel Gibson the way he deserves, refusing to have commerce with him in any way. Two years after protesting that his toxic “The Passion of the Christ” was not anti-Semitic, following his arrest on suspicion of drunk driving he spews a “barrage of anti-Semitic remarks” and the slander that “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” according to a deputy’s report. Gibson has apologized for his despicable behavior, blaming alcohol.

Most people who get drunk don’t parrot “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” There’s an old Latin saying: In vino veritas, which means that under the influence of alcohol, a man’s true nature reveals itself.


Pacific Palisades


Gibson stuck his foot in his mouth and he should accept whatever consequences arise from his drunken stupor. Not only am I concerned about his anti-Semitic remarks, I’m equally concerned about the tactics of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the alleged cover-up and handling of this high-profile case. I guess I’m just being naive to expect equal justice under the law.

Poof! I just woke up from a very bad dream.


Mission Viejo


Is Gibson an anti-Semite? I don’t know. But as a recovering alcoholic with 17 years of sobriety, I do know that a drunk alcoholic will say outrageous things, including things he does not believe. Gibson’s words and actions cannot be condoned, but they should be taken in the context of a very sick individual suffering in the midst of his disease. The anguish of alcoholism causes irrational, self-destructive and abusive behavior.


Gibson has damaged his reputation and career severely. I wish him recovery and sobriety.


Pacific Palisades


Numerous accounts of Gibson’s recent adventures in Malibu on Pacific Coast Highway and with law enforcement compel me to acknowledge a debt to him. After many years the endearing nicknames for my wife -- sweetheart, honey, dear -- had grown stale.

Thanks to Gibson, I have added a new love-moniker: “sugar tits.” My wife disagrees. Would you please contact me to offer the name of a plastic surgeon who specializes in compound nose fractures?


Studio City
