
More bucks for nature’s beauty

Entrance fees are going up at 17 National Park Service sites, most for the first time since 1997. Some also raised prices for annual passes. Many increases are $5 or less, but at California’s Death Valley and Sequoia & Kings Canyon parks, entrance fees have doubled. The fees help restore historical structures and protect resources, among other things. Here’s where daily fees are rising:

NA=not applicable.

*--* Park 2005 veh fee 2006 veh fee 2005 ind fee* 2006 ind fee* Aztec NA. NA. $4. $5. Ruins, NM Bandelier, $10. $12. 5. 6. NM Casa Grande NA. NA. 3. 5. Ruins, AZ Colorado, 5. 7. 3. 4. Fruita, CO Craters of 5. 8. 3. 4. the Moon, ID Death 10. 20. 5. 10. Valley, CA Glacier, 20. 25. 10. 12.** Montana Glen 10. 15. 5. 7. Canyon, AZ Grand 20. 25. 10. 12.** Canyon, AZ Grand 20. 25. 10. 12.** Teton, WY Joshua 10. 15. 5. 5. Tree, CA Mt. 10. 15. 5. 5. Rainier, WA Olympic, WA 10. 15. 5. 5. Sequoia/Kin 10. 20. 5. 10. gs Cyn, CA Shenandoah, 10. 15. 5. 8. VA Wright NA. NA. 3. 4.** Brothers, NC Yellowstone 20. 25. 10. 12.** , WY


*Most of these parks charge by vehicle. “Individual fee” applies to a parkgoer entering by other means, such as on foot.


**2006 fees will take effect by May 1. Increases have already been implemented in the other listed parks.

Source: Carol Anthony, National Park Service
