
Suspect Arrested in Shooting Death of Inglewood Pastor

Times Staff Writer

A Los Angeles man has been arrested in the slaying of a well-known Inglewood pastor, officials announced Thursday.

Aaron Seymour, believed to be in his mid-20s, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of killing Pastor Charlie Williams, who was shot once in his upper right thigh as he walked outside Christian Unity Missionary Baptist Church on April 27. He died at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. The Los Angeles coroner’s office believes Williams bled to death after the bullet struck an artery in his leg

Family members stood alongside Inglewood Police Chief Ronald Banks as he announced the arrest.


Banks did not say if Williams knew Seymour or if a motive was known. Family members said they did not recognize Seymour’s name and have not seen his picture.

Williams helped build Christian Unity Missionary Baptist Church more than a decade ago. He was known for buying toys for children, feeding the needy and spreading the word of the Gospel. Friends and family called him a voice of optimism.

Lois Moore-Williams, Williams’ widow, thanked God, Banks and the community for the arrest.

“If I felt really down and out,” she said, Chief Banks “would always reassure me that ‘I’m going to get your killer.’ ”


She added that the arrest has brought relief but not closure to her grieving family.

“Closure, I can’t say because the case is yet alive,” she said. “My husband is gone -- not to return.”

Officials said the investigation would continue despite Seymour’s arrest.
