
Foothill Toll Road Is Needed Now

Re “They’d Pave Over Reagan’s Park,” Opinion, May 8: There is currently only one way in and out of San Clemente -- Interstate 5. An accident or freeway closure makes our community an island with no escape route. We need a traffic relief alternative. We need the Foothill-South Toll Road.

Foothill-South has been on the Master Plan of Arterial Highways since 1981 and becomes more needed every year. Now L.A. attorneys and Santa Monica City Council members are opposing our traffic relief plan because it crosses through state parkland that California leases from the federal government.

The Transportation Corridor Agencies, which built and operates South Orange County’s toll roads, has contributed more than $6 million and nearly 40,000 acres of open space for preservation.


Balancing environmental sensitivity and traffic relief is possible. TCA has proven it, and we look forward to Foothill-South opening as soon as possible.

Mary Anna Anderson

San Clemente
