
They call them graphic novels for a reason

Based on Frank Miller’s series of graphic novels, “Sin City” is a noir assemblage of lurid tales with the distinctive look of singed charcoal and smudged lipstick. The explicit and bloody comic books lifted Miller, already a star for his work on “Daredevil” and “The Dark Knight Returns,” to legend status among the Comicon crowd. Now he and co-director Robert Rodriguez have synthesized three stories of dangerous fallen men and the dames who inspire them to take action. Bruce Willis plays a cop at the end of his run who vows to protect a stripper (Jessica Alba); Mickey Rourke is a hateful exile out to avenge the death of his one true love; and Clive Owen is a former photographer caught between a trio of ladies of questionable virtue (Rosario Dawson, Devon Aoki and Alexis Bledel) and a hyperviolent ruffian (Benicio Del Toro).

“Sin City,” rated R for sustained strong stylized violence, nudity and sexual content including dialogue, opens Friday in general release.
